#0e0d2e - Color Hex


rgba(14, 13, 46)

Color spaces of #0e0d2e

Hex #0e0d2e
RGB 14, 13, 46 rgba(14, 13, 46)
HSL 241.82, 55.93%, 11.57% hsl(241.82, 55.93%, 11.57%)
HSV 241.82, 71.74%, 18.04% hsv(241.82, 71.74%, 18.04%)
CMYK 69.5652%, 71.7391%, 0.0000%, 81.9608% cmyk(69.5652%, 71.7391%, 0.0000%, 81.9608%)
XYZ 0.82%, 0.58%, 2.65% xyz(0.82%, 0.58%, 2.65%)
Yxy 0.5800%, 0.2025%, 0.1432% Yxy(0.5800%, 0.2025%, 0.1432%)
Hunter Lab 7.62, 5.89, -15.30 lab(7.62, 5.89, -15.30)
CIE-Lab 607.74, 1,276.95, 1,017.45 CIELab(607.74, 1,276.95, 1,017.45)

Shades of #0e0d2e - Color Hex

Tints of #0e0d2e - Color Hex