#301f20 - Color Hex


rgba(48, 31, 32)

Color spaces of #301f20

Hex #301f20
RGB 48, 31, 32 rgba(48, 31, 32)
HSL 356.47, 21.52%, 15.49% hsl(356.47, 21.52%, 15.49%)
HSV 356.47, 35.42%, 18.82% hsv(356.47, 35.42%, 18.82%)
CMYK 0%, 35.4167%, 33.3333%, 81.1765% cmyk(0%, 35.4167%, 33.3333%, 81.1765%)
XYZ 1.97%, 1.71%, 1.59% xyz(1.97%, 1.71%, 1.59%)
Yxy 1.7100%, 0.3738%, 0.3245% Yxy(1.7100%, 0.3738%, 0.3245%)
Hunter Lab 13.08, 4.01, 1.94 lab(13.08, 4.01, 1.94)
CIE-Lab 13.89, 8.53, 2.64 CIELab(13.89, 8.53, 2.64)

Shades of #301f20 - Color Hex

Tints of #301f20 - Color Hex