#353486 - Color Hex


rgba(53, 52, 134)

Color spaces of #353486

Hex #353486
RGB 53, 52, 134 rgba(53, 52, 134)
HSL 240.73, 44.09%, 36.47% hsl(240.73, 44.09%, 36.47%)
HSV 240.73, 61.19%, 52.55% hsv(240.73, 61.19%, 52.55%)
CMYK 60.4478%, 61.1940%, 0.0000%, 47.4510% cmyk(60.4478%, 61.1940%, 0.0000%, 47.4510%)
XYZ 7.00%, 4.93%, 23.14% xyz(7.00%, 4.93%, 23.14%)
Yxy 4.9300%, 0.1996%, 0.1406% Yxy(4.9300%, 0.1996%, 0.1406%)
Hunter Lab 22.20, 17.42, -46.25 lab(22.20, 17.42, -46.25)
CIE-Lab 26.53, 26.25, -46.02 CIELab(26.53, 26.25, -46.02)

Shades of #353486 - Color Hex

Tints of #353486 - Color Hex