#504fa0 - Color Hex


rgba(80, 79, 160)

Color spaces of #504fa0

Hex #504fa0
RGB 80, 79, 160 rgba(80, 79, 160)
HSL 240.74, 33.89%, 46.86% hsl(240.74, 33.89%, 46.86%)
HSV 240.74, 50.63%, 62.75% hsv(240.74, 50.63%, 62.75%)
CMYK 50.0000%, 50.6250%, 0.0000%, 37.2549% cmyk(50.0000%, 50.6250%, 0.0000%, 37.2549%)
XYZ 12.45%, 9.84%, 34.50% xyz(12.45%, 9.84%, 34.50%)
Yxy 9.8400%, 0.2192%, 0.1733% Yxy(9.8400%, 0.2192%, 0.1733%)
Hunter Lab 31.37, 15.95, -43.25 lab(31.37, 15.95, -43.25)
CIE-Lab 37.55, 23.09, -44.01 CIELab(37.55, 23.09, -44.01)

Shades of #504fa0 - Color Hex

Tints of #504fa0 - Color Hex