#506777 - Color Hex


rgba(80, 103, 119)

Color spaces of #506777

Hex #506777
RGB 80, 103, 119 rgba(80, 103, 119)
HSL 204.62, 19.60%, 39.02% hsl(204.62, 19.60%, 39.02%)
HSV 204.62, 32.77%, 46.67% hsv(204.62, 32.77%, 46.67%)
CMYK 32.7731%, 13.4454%, 0.0000%, 53.3333% cmyk(32.7731%, 13.4454%, 0.0000%, 53.3333%)
XYZ 11.49%, 12.74%, 19.31% xyz(11.49%, 12.74%, 19.31%)
Yxy 12.7400%, 0.2639%, 0.2926% Yxy(12.7400%, 0.2639%, 0.2926%)
Hunter Lab 35.69, -5.00, -7.09 lab(35.69, -5.00, -7.09)
CIE-Lab 42.37, -4.36, -11.73 CIELab(42.37, -4.36, -11.73)

Shades of #506777 - Color Hex

Tints of #506777 - Color Hex