#51509f - Color Hex


rgba(81, 80, 159)

Color spaces of #51509f

Hex #51509f
RGB 81, 80, 159 rgba(81, 80, 159)
HSL 240.76, 33.05%, 46.86% hsl(240.76, 33.05%, 46.86%)
HSV 240.76, 49.69%, 62.35% hsv(240.76, 49.69%, 62.35%)
CMYK 49.0566%, 49.6855%, 0.0000%, 37.6471% cmyk(49.0566%, 49.6855%, 0.0000%, 37.6471%)
XYZ 12.52%, 9.99%, 34.07% xyz(12.52%, 9.99%, 34.07%)
Yxy 9.9900%, 0.2213%, 0.1766% Yxy(9.9900%, 0.2213%, 0.1766%)
Hunter Lab 31.61, 15.39, -41.79 lab(31.61, 15.39, -41.79)
CIE-Lab 37.82, 22.40, -42.98 CIELab(37.82, 22.40, -42.98)

Shades of #51509f - Color Hex

Tints of #51509f - Color Hex