#5352a6 - Color Hex


rgba(83, 82, 166)

Color spaces of #5352a6

Hex #5352a6
RGB 83, 82, 166 rgba(83, 82, 166)
HSL 240.71, 33.87%, 48.63% hsl(240.71, 33.87%, 48.63%)
HSV 240.71, 50.60%, 65.10% hsv(240.71, 50.60%, 65.10%)
CMYK 50.0000%, 50.6024%, 0.0000%, 34.9020% cmyk(50.0000%, 50.6024%, 0.0000%, 34.9020%)
XYZ 13.47%, 10.63%, 37.42% xyz(13.47%, 10.63%, 37.42%)
Yxy 10.6300%, 0.2190%, 0.1728% Yxy(10.6300%, 0.2190%, 0.1728%)
Hunter Lab 32.60, 16.69, -45.23 lab(32.60, 16.69, -45.23)
CIE-Lab 38.95, 23.83, -45.35 CIELab(38.95, 23.83, -45.35)

Shades of #5352a6 - Color Hex

Tints of #5352a6 - Color Hex