#5554c2 - Color Hex


rgba(85, 84, 194)

Color spaces of #5554c2

Hex #5554c2
RGB 85, 84, 194 rgba(85, 84, 194)
HSL 240.55, 47.41%, 54.51% hsl(240.55, 47.41%, 54.51%)
HSV 240.55, 56.70%, 76.08% hsv(240.55, 56.70%, 76.08%)
CMYK 56.1856%, 56.7010%, 0.0000%, 23.9216% cmyk(56.1856%, 56.7010%, 0.0000%, 23.9216%)
XYZ 16.65%, 12.17%, 52.51% xyz(16.65%, 12.17%, 52.51%)
Yxy 12.1700%, 0.2047%, 0.1496% Yxy(12.1700%, 0.2047%, 0.1496%)
Hunter Lab 34.89, 24.14, -64.82 lab(34.89, 24.14, -64.82)
CIE-Lab 41.49, 31.99, -57.73 CIELab(41.49, 31.99, -57.73)

Shades of #5554c2 - Color Hex

Tints of #5554c2 - Color Hex