#85907c - Color Hex


rgba(133, 144, 124)

Color spaces of #85907c

Hex #85907c
RGB 133, 144, 124 rgba(133, 144, 124)
HSL 93.00, 8.26%, 52.55% hsl(93.00, 8.26%, 52.55%)
HSV 93.00, 13.89%, 56.47% hsv(93.00, 13.89%, 56.47%)
CMYK 7.6389%, 0.0000%, 13.8889%, 43.5294% cmyk(7.6389%, 0.0000%, 13.8889%, 43.5294%)
XYZ 23.28%, 26.39%, 22.94% xyz(23.28%, 26.39%, 22.94%)
Yxy 26.3900%, 0.3206%, 0.3634% Yxy(26.3900%, 0.3206%, 0.3634%)
Hunter Lab 51.37, -9.01, 9.48 lab(51.37, -9.01, 9.48)
CIE-Lab 58.41, -7.88, 9.28 CIELab(58.41, -7.88, 9.28)

Shades of #85907c - Color Hex

Tints of #85907c - Color Hex