#9493c0 - Color Hex


rgba(148, 147, 192)

Color spaces of #9493c0

Hex #9493c0
RGB 148, 147, 192 rgba(148, 147, 192)
HSL 241.33, 26.32%, 66.47% hsl(241.33, 26.32%, 66.47%)
HSV 241.33, 23.44%, 75.29% hsv(241.33, 23.44%, 75.29%)
CMYK 22.9167%, 23.4375%, 0.0000%, 24.7059% cmyk(22.9167%, 23.4375%, 0.0000%, 24.7059%)
XYZ 32.16%, 30.97%, 54.15% xyz(32.16%, 30.97%, 54.15%)
Yxy 30.9700%, 0.2742%, 0.2641% Yxy(30.9700%, 0.2742%, 0.2641%)
Hunter Lab 55.65, 5.76, -18.74 lab(55.65, 5.76, -18.74)
CIE-Lab 62.48, 10.13, -23.14 CIELab(62.48, 10.13, -23.14)

Shades of #9493c0 - Color Hex

Tints of #9493c0 - Color Hex