#949e8b - Color Hex


rgba(148, 158, 139)

Color spaces of #949e8b

Hex #949e8b
RGB 148, 158, 139 rgba(148, 158, 139)
HSL 91.58, 8.92%, 58.24% hsl(91.58, 8.92%, 58.24%)
HSV 91.58, 12.03%, 61.96% hsv(91.58, 12.03%, 61.96%)
CMYK 6.3291%, 0.0000%, 12.0253%, 38.0392% cmyk(6.3291%, 0.0000%, 12.0253%, 38.0392%)
XYZ 29.10%, 32.61%, 29.19% xyz(29.10%, 32.61%, 29.19%)
Yxy 32.6100%, 0.3201%, 0.3587% Yxy(32.6100%, 0.3201%, 0.3587%)
Hunter Lab 57.11, -8.97, 9.67 lab(57.11, -8.97, 9.67)
CIE-Lab 63.84, -7.16, 8.70 CIELab(63.84, -7.16, 8.70)

Shades of #949e8b - Color Hex

Tints of #949e8b - Color Hex