#989990 - Color Hex


rgba(152, 153, 144)

Color spaces of #989990

Hex #989990
RGB 152, 153, 144 rgba(152, 153, 144)
HSL 66.67, 4.23%, 58.24% hsl(66.67, 4.23%, 58.24%)
HSV 66.67, 5.88%, 60.00% hsv(66.67, 5.88%, 60.00%)
CMYK 0.6536%, 0.0000%, 5.8824%, 40.0000% cmyk(0.6536%, 0.0000%, 5.8824%, 40.0000%)
XYZ 29.37%, 31.47%, 30.91% xyz(29.37%, 31.47%, 30.91%)
Yxy 31.4700%, 0.3201%, 0.3430% Yxy(31.4700%, 0.3201%, 0.3430%)
Hunter Lab 56.10, -4.72, 6.60 lab(56.10, -4.72, 6.60)
CIE-Lab 62.90, -2.06, 4.59 CIELab(62.90, -2.06, 4.59)

Shades of #989990 - Color Hex

Tints of #989990 - Color Hex