#a09fa2 - Color Hex


rgba(160, 159, 162)

Color spaces of #a09fa2

Hex #a09fa2
RGB 160, 159, 162 rgba(160, 159, 162)
HSL 260.00, 1.59%, 62.94% hsl(260.00, 1.59%, 62.94%)
HSV 260.00, 1.85%, 63.53% hsv(260.00, 1.85%, 63.53%)
CMYK 1.2346%, 1.8519%, 0.0000%, 36.4706% cmyk(1.2346%, 1.8519%, 0.0000%, 36.4706%)
XYZ 33.42%, 34.88%, 39.15% xyz(33.42%, 34.88%, 39.15%)
Yxy 34.8800%, 0.3110%, 0.3246% Yxy(34.8800%, 0.3110%, 0.3246%)
Hunter Lab 59.06, -2.35, 2.04 lab(59.06, -2.35, 2.04)
CIE-Lab 65.66, 0.94, -1.43 CIELab(65.66, 0.94, -1.43)

Shades of #a09fa2 - Color Hex

Tints of #a09fa2 - Color Hex