#d0cfee - Color Hex


rgba(208, 207, 238)

Color spaces of #d0cfee

Hex #d0cfee
RGB 208, 207, 238 rgba(208, 207, 238)
HSL 241.94, 47.69%, 87.25% hsl(241.94, 47.69%, 87.25%)
HSV 241.94, 13.03%, 93.33% hsv(241.94, 13.03%, 93.33%)
CMYK 12.6050%, 13.0252%, 0.0000%, 6.6667% cmyk(12.6050%, 13.0252%, 0.0000%, 6.6667%)
XYZ 63.76%, 64.21%, 89.92% xyz(63.76%, 64.21%, 89.92%)
Yxy 64.2100%, 0.2926%, 0.2947% Yxy(64.2100%, 0.2926%, 0.2947%)
Hunter Lab 80.13, 1.80, -10.44 lab(80.13, 1.80, -10.44)
CIE-Lab 84.07, 6.34, -15.10 CIELab(84.07, 6.34, -15.10)

Shades of #d0cfee - Color Hex

Tints of #d0cfee - Color Hex